TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) edition, the users that you create may track and manage your translation clients -
contact persons, orders, language pairs, notary publics and translators and see the reports by clients, orders, language pairs, Notary Publics and Translators...
The user that you create should click on the respective tab to manage and see your translation orders,
clients - contact persons and language pairs, Notary Publics, translators and invoices and use wizards to
add new order, new client - contact person, language pairs, Notary Publics and translators;
They may also see reports by using Reports menu items...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track and manage your translation orders, clients- contact persons, language pairs, Notary Publics and translators and see the reports...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Add Orders
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the users that you create may track - manage your translation orders...
The user that you create may manage your current orders at Orders tab; add new orders by means of New Order Wizard; or see order reports by clients, contact persons, language pairs, notary publics and translatıors...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track your translation orders and see the order reports arranged by clients, contact persons, language pairs, notary publics and translators...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Add Clients
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the users that you create may track - manage your translation clients - contact persons and see order reports by clients and contact persons...
The user that you create may manage your translation clients and contact persons at Clients tab or add new clients - contact persons by means of New Client Wizard...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track your customers - contact persons and to see order reports by Clients and Contact Persons...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Add Language Pairs
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the users that you create may track - manage your language pairs, and see reports by language pairs...
The user that you create may manage your language pairs at Language Pairs tab or add Language Pairs using Add Language Pair wizard...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track our language pairs and to see reports by language pairs...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Add Translators
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the users that you create may track - manage your translators and jobs given to them, and see reports by translators and language pairs...
With Translators tab, the users that you create may manage your translators and add new Translators using Add New Translator wizard; You may also assign notaries to the translators...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track your translators and to see reports by translators, orders assigned to them...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Add Notary Public
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the users that you create may track - manage notary publics and jobs done for them, and see reports by notaries, translators, language pairs...
With Notary Publics tab, the users that you create may manage Notary Publics and add new Notary Publics using Add New Notary Publics wizard; the users that you create may also assign translators to Notary Publics...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the users that you create to track Notary Publics and to see reports by Notary Publics, orders done for them...
TOMS Corporate (Multiuser) Edition - Manage Users
Through our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition, the admin users that you create (there must be at least one admin) may see what operations the users that you created have done; add new users and set their authorities using Show Users menu item and see reports by these users...
The admin users amongst the users that you created (there must be at least one admin) may see which operations the users have done; add new users using Show Users wizard and assign their powers...
Our Corporate (Multiuser) Edition enables the admin users that you create (there must be at least one admin) to see reports by the users...